Ekbab as well as Iktab – Course of Expatriation 2 Guide

.Where to discover Ekbab &amp IktabYou’ll run into Ekbab &amp Iktab in The Bone Tissue Pits during the course of A Fraud of Cream color. Iktab remains in the center of making alive Ekbab, as well as you show up in the nick of time to see the streak related to success..Exactly how to trump Ekbab &amp IktabEkbab &amp Iktab.VulnerabilitiesResistances-Lightning Resistance (Iktab).Ekbab &amp Iktab are a set of bosses you’ll require to take on at the same time in a small field. Ekbab is actually the mastodon, as well as he charges around the small room constantly.

Iktab is the spellcaster, as well as he loads the pit with area-of-effect spells. His incantations work mainly super harm, so a lightning appeal is actually a really good suggestion below..Your 1st goal ought to be to secure Iktab. If you lower Ekbab first, Iktab takes on a brand new repertoire of far more devastating incantations.

Taking down Ekbab initially means you only have to take care of the weak spells Iktab casts from past the grave..Kite the mastodon around the room as well as focus your strikes on Iktab. The main streak you need to stay away from is actually the set of three comets that crash below above. Keep an eye out for the orange circles on the ground as well as keep well out of them when they show up..When Iktab is lifeless, alter your focus to Ekbab, the mastodon.

He’ll charge around the tiny room and occasionally attack down cone-shaped trembling attacks. Both are actually preventable along with a timely dodge roll. As you do this, lightning balls little by little float around the field of battle, shooting randomly with all instructions.

Remain on the contrary edge of the sector to give yourself even more time to avoid their shells..